Amazon Smile
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.0.11″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.0.11″][et_pb_column _builder_version=”4.0.11″ type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.0.11″ hover_enabled=”0″] Shop on Amazon? When you shop on Amazon, start at and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to Special […]
Workplace Giving
Special Olympics Kansas, Inc. is not a designated United Way Agency. However, it is possible to receive funds from individuals through Community Health Charities (CHC), of which we are a […]
Planned Giving
Is it time to Review Your Will? Planned Giving helps donors provide a legacy for future Special Olympics athletes who dream of one day winning gold! Our giving might be […]
Memorials and In-Honor Gifts
Celebrate a special occasion in a meaningful way with a gift to Special Olympics Kansas in honor or in memory of a loved one. You can send a check to: […]
In-Kind Donations
Unfortunately, we are not able to accept used trophies since Special Olympics presents medals and ribbons to our athletes. PREFERRED PROVIDER PARTNER For companies wishing to simply provide services at […]
Stocks & Life Insurance
GIFTS OF STOCKSpecial Olympics Kansas gratefully accepts gifts of stock, and you can receive significant tax benefits when you give appreciated stocks and bonds. With a gift of stock, you […]
Courtyard of Champions
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.0.11″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.0.11″][et_pb_column _builder_version=”4.0.11″ type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.0.11″ hover_enabled=”0″] Recognize someone you know for a milestone in their life or on a special occasion. For a minimum donation of $30 you […]
Monthly or Annual Giving
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.0.11″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.0.11″][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.0.11″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.0.11″] Participating in monthly or annual giving is easy and convenient! These funds ensure a steady, reliable revenue stream so we are always able […]