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The 85th NBC World Series – Special Olympics Night July 28th
We’re proud to announce the 85th NBC World Series will take place at Eck Stadium from July 27th thru August 10th on the Wichita State campus. Mark your calendar for Sunday evening July 28th, when our Special Olympic athletes will be honored as the “Non-Profit Game of The Day”.
We have “Great News” to share with you! In thanks to the generosity from the wonderful staff at the NBC World Series; all Special Olympics athletes will receive “Free Admission” to this ballgame. For all families and friends that would like to attend, please visit www.nbcbaseball.com to purchase your tickets for the upcoming ball game.
About the History of the NBC World Series:
Dating back to 1935, this historic tournament has annually provided baseball enthusiasts with a midsummer two-week journey that has led to 84 National Championships. This pilgrimage of elite collegiate and amateur professionals from across our country has provided countless thrills leading to memories truly complementing “Our National Pastime..!”
Since its’ inception, the NBC World Series has been held at Lawrence Dumont Stadium. As the city is in the process of building a new stadium downtown; this tournament will be held this year at Eck Stadium on the Wichita State Campus.
About the Special Olympics Kansas 50/50 Raffle:
We are also proud to announce that the Special Olympics Kansas is orchestrating a 50/50 Raffle for the upcoming game. The winner will not need to be present to win. We are currently selling raffle tickets to those interested in participating. The raffle tickets are on sale now for the following prices: 3 for $5, 10 for $10, 20 for $15, and 30 for $20. Please contact Brian Talarico at talaricob@ksso.org in order to play for a chance to win..!
It is our sincere intention to “Fill the Stadium” that night while paying homage to our talented athletes and the ballplayers representing the NBC World Series. This ballgame will begin at @ 7 PM. We encourage you to show up early and settle in before the fun begins. Thank you NBC.