Calling all Graphic Artists!
The Kansas Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) is seeking a design for the front of the 2023 Torch Run shirts! The shirts will be worn by our Torchrunners and sold to the public prior to each community’s Torch Run. Over 1,700 shirts will be printed in 2023! Imagine your design on the shirts of members of our Law Enforcement Torch Run as they carry the Flame of Hope through Kansas. What a way to show your artistic support of our movement!
Things to consider while creating your winning design:
👉 2023 celebrates our 42nd anniversary!
👉 Kansas is the home state of the LETR. We proudly proclaim, “First to Carry the Torch and Still Lighting the Way!”
👉 Kansas LETR firmly believes in the SO Kansas athlete oath, “Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt!”
👉 The torch is referred to as the “Flame of Hope”.
👉 Members of the LETR are called “Guardians of the Flame”.
👉 LETR membership is open to all city, county, state, federal, corrections, military, communications and bureaus.
A few rules/guidelines:
👉 Please keep all designs to under four colors.
👉 Designs should incorporate the Special Olympics Kansas and Kansas Law Enforcement Torch Run logos, in appropriate lock up. Other design elements may be used, but the logo is a registered trademark and not to be altered.
👉 You may help select the shirt color, based on the design created. However, the final decision of shirt color rests with the vendor and supply available.
👉 Design and all elements become property of Special Olympics Kansas.
👉 Please have the final design ready in InDesign, or Illustrator CS6, or Creative Cloud and layered for ease of adaption to different media needs. Our shirt vendor has to be able to open files to modify if necessary.
👉 All drafts are due to Jake LaMunyon ( ) by Friday, January 27th , 2023.
👉 Members of the LETR Executive Council will vote for the winning design.
Questions: Contact Jake LaMunyon at or 316.358.2825.