Class A and Protective Behaviors


Special Olympics Kansas has implemented its volunteer screening policy effective July 1, 2005, in accordance with revisions set forth by Special Olympics, Inc.  This change was made to protect Special Olympics athletes.  These changes are the best way to protect our athletes, volunteers and the organization. The safety of our athletes is a priority to SOKS.  Therefore, volunteers are screened based upon their level of involvement with the athlete


All Class A Volunteers must complete a Class A Volunteer & Unified Partner Application. Active Class A Volunteers will be re-screened automatically on a 3-year cycle.


Class A Volunteers are volunteers who have regular, close physical contact with athletes, who are in a position of authority or supervision with athletes, who are in a position of trust with athletes and who handle substantial amounts of cash or other assets of SOKS.


Examples of Class A Volunteer: coaches, chaperones, Unified Partners, Athlete Leadership Program mentors, family members who drive non-related athletes and GMT members.


All Class A Volunteers must complete the online Protective Behaviors Training Course at least once every three years. For your convenience, Special Olympics Kansas will set expiration dates for PB certification for two years rounded to the end of the year starting with certifications created in 2014. A reminder email will be sent to individuals when their certification is about to expire.


Your participation in the Protective Behaviors Training Program is just one more way that you demonstrate your dedication. Click here to take the online training class. Make sure you click “finish” after the final quiz and select “Kansas” as your State Program (regardless of your state of residence). We will record that you have been trained!