There is something about the thrill of competition. The sweat, the hustle, the effort that comes with doing your best. The joy of victory, the challenge of falling behind, the support of a team and the encouragement of a cheering crowd. Behind it all – there is achievement.
Across the state of Kansas, more than 5,000 individuals with intellectual disabilities participate in events each year – yet our reach goes so much further. Thousands more are touched by the will power of these athletes through volunteering their time, their talents, and their donations. And, in turn, our athletes are inspired by their dedication and support.
Special Olympics Kansas has several ways for companies to show their support for our athletes. From dress down days to a corporate donation, we are able to custom build a package to suit your needs. Create an ROI with meaning. Your Return On Inclusion makes a lasting impact, fostering a community of support and opportunity.

CORPORATE PARTNERships create...
Mission Partner
Your Return on Inclusion (ROI) for SOKS:
- Inclusive lesson planning resources for public schools
- Updated sports equipment
- Free health screenings to athletes
- Program advancements
- Travel expenses for international competitions
- Youth and athlete leadership training
Your Organization’s Return on Inclusion (ROI):
- Banner at event
- Vendor booth (subject to availability)
- Company logo on volunteer shirts
- Company listed in press release
- 3 partnership mentions on socials
- Listed as partner on main event webpage
- Listed in newsletter
- Check presentation
- Announced as presenting sponsor at opening ceremonies
- Special press release announcing partnership
- 6 tickets to annual gala
This is an example of a $25,000 Statewide Programming partnership opportunity. Other options available. Contact Ryan Warren at to become a Program Partner!
State Partner
Your Return on Inclusion (ROI) for SOKS:
- 15,000 medals
- 2,500 meals
- 3,500 shirts
- Updated sports equipment
- Venue rental
Your Organization’s Return on Inclusion (ROI):
- Banner at event
- Vendor booth (subject to availability)
- Prime logo on volunteer shirts
- Company listed in press release
- 1 partnership mention on social
- Listed as partner on state event webpage
- Listed in newsletter with the competition
- Check presentation
- Announced as presenting sponsor at opening ceremony
This is an example of a $10,000 State Competitions partnership opportunity. Other options available. Contact Ryan Warren at to become a State Partner!
Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) Partner
Your Return on Inclusion (ROI) for SOKS:
- Athlete scholarships
- Conference expenses
- Event expenses
Your Organization’s Return on Inclusion (ROI):
- Banner at event
- Vendor booth (subject to availability)
- Company logo on volunteer shirts
- Company listed in press release
- Listed as partner on event webpage
- Listed in newsletter with that event
This is an example of a $5,000 LETR partnership opportunity. Other options available. Contact Jacob LaMunyon at to become a LETR Partner!
Regional Partner
Your Return on Inclusion (ROI) for SOKS:
- 1,000 medals
- 500 meals
- 200 shirts
- Venue rental
- Countless smiles
Your Organization’s Return on Inclusion (ROI):
- Banner at event
- Vendor booth (subject to availability)
- Prime logo on volunteer shirts
- Company listed in press release
- 1 partnership mention on regional socials
- Listed as partner on region webpage
- Check presentation
- Announced as presenting sponsor at opening ceremony
This is an example of a $2,000 Regional Competitions partnership opportunity. Other options available. Contact Ryan Warren at or click ‘more options’ below to connect with your region’s director to become a Regional Partner!
Conduct a marketing campaign tied to Special Olympics Kansas
Designed for companies to increase sales and enhance company image through promotions with Special Olympics, including in-store product promotions, store coupons with a percentage donated to Special Olympics Kansas, etc. In return, SOKS will market your company on our website, in our E-News, on social media, and in other media outlets as available.
For information about Cause Marketing please reach out to Luke Schulte at or 620-408-4450.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.