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This program provides free health screenings to registered SOKS athletes at competition venues and at selected stand alone events. Learn more!
Staying fit is more than participating in sports. It’s a lifestyle. Learn more about our programming to support an active lifestyle for all of our athletes.
The health education resources and tools found on this page are geared towards Special Olympics athletes and other people with intellectual disabilities.
Athletes might receive referrals for follow-up care from any of the Healthy Athletes screenings, and Special Olympics Kansas is committed to assisting them find the services and resources that they require when they return to their local communities.
Special Olympics Health Messengers are athletes who are trained to serve as health and wellness leaders, educators, advocates and role models. They are leading their teams, families, friends and communities to pursue healthy lifestyles.
North Central Regional Basketball and Cheer Competition
Date: February 22, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Location: Junction City High School, 1100 Blue Jay Wy, Junction City, KS 66441
Get ready for an exciting day of competition and celebration as Special Olympics Kansas hosts the North Central Regional Basketball and Cheer Competition! Athletes from across the region will showcase their skills on the court and in cheer routines, demonstrating the power of teamwork, determination, and inclusion.
Spectators are encouraged to join us in cheering on these incredible athletes and celebrating their achievements.
For more information, contact Krystin Guggisberg at guggisbergk@soks.org.
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